Preferred Contractors
This is a list of vendors & contractors that work with the HOA. They have been vetted by the board, carry a license and insurance, and have familiarity with the building.
Safe Gas Services
This vendor is the primary one used by the building for both plumbing and gas work.
Contact Name: n/a
Phone number: (310) 664-9777
E-mail: info@safegasservices.com
Morning Star Electric
This vendor has been supporting our building for years. Recently, we have used Morning Star Electric to upgrade all old emergency lights across the common areas.
Contact Name: Michael
Phone Number: (818) 298-2111
Asher Plumbing
This vendor started working for the building in 2022 on some major upgrades to the pressure valves.
Contact Name: Avi
Phone Number: (818) 612-2220
E-mail: aamaya3395@sbcglobal.net